IObit Mobile Security Apps

AMC Security- 防毒、防盜、安全(台灣版) 2.0.0
AMCSecurity作為一個兼具性能、安全性與100多個獎項肯定、世界各地1500萬位活躍用戶所公認的系統工具領導者,我們受到超過9,000,000位用戶(Android中)信任,且受到40個以上的Android機構與媒體推薦。新! 進階功能 | 付費選項購物防護: 幫助你查出虛假的應用程式及確保你的流動購物以至付款流程均是安全。聯繫人和短信庫:我們開發了這個驚人的功能,它允許您從手機系統隱藏私人簡訊/通話記錄,甚至是秘密的聯繫記錄。您可於隱私儲存櫃啟用這個功能,讓您的資料不被窺視。防止釣魚: 即時防禦惡意軟體、惡意連結與那些用來竊取您的個人資料的釣魚網站。更多: 更多儲存空間、更多支援服務與更多其他防禦功能讓您使用手機更安心愜意。免費! 手機防毒與隱私保護功能手機防毒: 徹底有效地掃描手機內的應用程式,在您安裝新應用程式時提供即時保護。安全地帶: 偵測可疑的連結並立即警示您,以提供您安全的網路瀏覽環境。免費! 掃描與清理功能一鍵掃描: 能一鍵掃描和清除多餘的背景程式、快取、垃圾文件、隱私記錄以釋放可用的儲存空間。深度抹除器 (現在免費): 掃瞄並抹除更多冗餘的檔案以加速您的行動裝置200%。進程清理: 能協助您清理記憶體,以輕鬆地加速您的Android裝置。遊戲加速: 能加速您喜愛遊戲的運行。應用程式管理:允許您移除或移動應用程式,刪除多個無用的APK檔案。部分root過的裝置也能夠管理那些預安裝與系統的應用程式。工具箱將伴隨提供省電器、防盜、雲端備份、隱私建議與通話/簡訊黑名單功能,一切都是免費的!註:所有以前的免費功能仍完全免費,這些進階功能則為近期新增的,但我們鼓勵您升級到專業版本,以獲得更多專業的防護。如果您決定不訂閱我們的專業版本,您仍可無限期享用我們免費的AMC。我們建議您註冊一組AMC帳戶,以便讓您能在其他裝置上繼續免費使用您的AMC授權,而不需要取代您目前的裝置。現在您也可以從我們的網站購買以取得授權證書激活進階功能。如果您需要任何幫助,請以電子郵件與我們聯繫: mobilesupport@iobit.com我們將在24小時內給您答覆。加入我們的 Google+ 社群:幫我們的 Facebook 粉絲專頁按讚:在推特上追蹤我們:
AMC Cleaner Lite:Super Phone Booster & CPU Cooler
AMC Cleaner Lite, only 4.58M in size, is the lite version offamousAMC Security, which has 20million+ users worldwide. Withmanypowerful features like Deep Space Clean, APP Clean (Whatsapp),andGame Booster, AMC Cleaner Lite is devoted to cleaning andboostingyour Android, and making your phone run as fast as it can!What arethe main features of AMC Cleaner Lite? ✔ One Tap Clean ✔Deep SpaceCleaner ✔ Dedicated App Clean ✔ CPU Cooler ✔ Super PhoneBooster ✔Close top power-consuming apps ✔ Hibernate auto-startedapps ✔ GameBooster ✔ Powerful App Manager You can clean yourWhatsApp now withAMC Cleaner Lite: ►AMC Cleaner Lite helps toanalyze WhatsApp usageand clean up Junks Files, Image messages,Video messages, VoiceMessages, Audio Messages, Documents, etc. tofree up more storage.► Clean other social apps (Messenger,Snapchat, etc. ) alsoavailable You can specifically clean yourother social apps' imageCaches, video caches, image ThumbnailCache, video caches, updates,download files, etc. How does AMCCleaner Lite help you free upmore memory and save more space foryour phone? ►One Tap Clean --You just need only one-tap to quicklyclean all Cache junks (Systemcaches, App caches), Residual junks,File Junks (Log file, Tempfile, Empty file, Invalid File), Adjunks, Memory junk to free upmore storage and memory. ►Deep SpaceCleaner -- Space Cleaner isespecially for deep clean of your phone.Scan and Clean Images,Audios &videos files, Big files that youdon't need anymore tosave more storages. Also, you can cleanuseless APK files,downloaded files, uninstall rarely used apps tosave more save morespace for your phone. ►App Manager -- Clean anduninstallunnecessary apps and APK files, manage pre-installed appto free upmore phone storage; boost the most power consumption appto savemore phone battery. How does AMC Cleaner Lite help you speedupyour phone? ►Phone Booster -- A quick booster to free up RAM,cleanbackground tasks. Boost and hibernate running andauto-restartedapps to free up more RAM (memory). ►CPU Cooler --Analyze CPU usageand boost overheating apps to cool down phonetemperature.Especially for gamers: ►Powerful Game Booster Cleanyour phonememory to get the speed boost. AMC Cleaner Lite helps youto killbackground processes to boost game you choose. Automaticallyboostgames by 50%+ when launching. Other important feature ofAMCCleaner Lite: ►Clean thumbnail Cache Files, video caches fromyouralbum ►APP Initialization -- Analyzing and clean all of yourappdata to save more storage AMC Cleaner Lite does everything youneedto free up more storage, and speed up your phone! If you haveanyquestions or suggestions about using AMC Cleaner Lite, contactusvia, we will get back to you within 24hrs.Follow us on Facebook to know more about AMC CleanerLite: Join our AMCCleanerLite Test Club on Facebook to be the first one to try thenewestversion:
AMC Security-Boost & Antivirus 5.14.1
Powerful Booster and Antivirus make your phone faster & cleanerand safer.
AMC Security-Phone Protector 6.0.2
Files and app manager for Android users.